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Roofing Tips for the Fall Season

Roof Maintenance

With cold weather right around the corner, it’s time to take a few preventative steps that will ensure that you’re not a victim to excessive energy costs or damage this winter. It’s recommended that roofs are inspected twice a year; once before winter and again in the summertime. The beginning of the fall season is the ideal time for a roof inspection; this is typically before all of the leaves have fallen or a heavy snowfall has occurred.

Here are few steps that you should be taking this fall season:

• Complete a standard roof inspection which involves an examination of the roof system and all roof components which includes parapets, skylights, rooftop units, copings and seams. Hiring a professional to perform this inspection will give you the peace of mind that everything has been inspected thoroughly.

• Even after your roof has been properly inspected, it’s also important to check your roof for dirt, debris and leaves that may have collected in the drains, scuppers and gutters. Keeping an eye on this throughout the fall season will help avoid damages that are the result of blocked drainage.

• You can also prevent costly disasters by trimming any dead tree limbs, large branches or trees that are leaning towards to the house. Once winter arrives the weight of snow could result in these trees, branches or limbs falling onto the house and causing damage to the roof.

Roof inspections are one of the many responsibilities that come along with home ownership and should never be ignored or avoided. Taking the time to ensure that your roof is prepared for the winter season will avoid any costly repairs or further damage to your house.